
April 26, 2009

Increase Your SATA Hard Drive Performance

You can speed up the performance of your Serial ATA (SATA) drive by enabling the write caching feature in Vista. Even though Vista has built-in support for SATA drives, this feature is turned off by default. Here is how you can enable this feature:
1)Go to Start
2)In the Search field, type in: device manager
3)Open Device Manager and navigate to your disk drive section
4)Right click your hard disk
5)Select the Policies tab
6)Place a checkmark in the checkbox titled: Enable advanced performance

Create Desktop Shutdown/Lock/Restart/Hibernate Shortcut Icons

I get quite a few questions from people asking how they can create a shortcut icon on their desktop to force their system to either hibernate, sleep, lock or even restart. So instead of having many different tips for each task, I've combined them all in to one tip. Here's how it's done:

1)Right click an empty area of your Desktop
2)Select New>> Shortcut
3)In the text box titled: "Type the location of the item:" Enter the Command for the particular shortcut you would like to create. I've listed all of the commands below that activate their respective shortcut:
Name Command
Hibernate rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState
Lock Rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation
Restart Shutdown.exe -r -t 00
Shutdown Shutdown.exe -s -t 00
Sleep rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep

4)Once you've entered the command, click "Next"
Vista will now ask you what you would like to name your shortcut. I've always just given it the name of its function (EG: Shutdown or Shutdown System).
Once you have named you shortcut, click "Finish". Your new shortcut will now reside on your Desktop. Simply double click the icon to activate the command.

Note: If you do not like the look of the "default" icon that Vista has given it, you can change the icon to a different one. Here's how:
1)Right click the shortcut icon
2)Select Properties
The shortcut properties window will now be displayed. Click the "Change Icon" button.
The "Change Icon" window will now appear. Here, you can select from the many available system icons. Click the icon that you would like to use as your shortcut icon and then click OK.

3)Your Desktop shortcut icon will now revert to the selected system icon.

That's it! Have fun!

Restoring personal files using the Windows.old file


The information contained in this article is useful to those that have installed the Windows Vista operating system using the "custom" installation.

When you perform a Custom Installation of Windows Vista, replacing a Windows XP installation. The old operating systems files will be created automatically in a Windows.old folder. This article will instruct users how they can retrieve thier personal files from the Windows.old file once their Windows Vista installation has been successfully installed.

The Windows.old folder contains the following from your replaced Windows XP installation:
Windows XP files
Documents and Settings
Program Files

How To Locate The Windows.old Folder:

When the Windows.old folder is created in Windows Vista, here is where it can be found:
1)Go to Start
2)Type: drive:\windows.old in the Instant Search text box.
3)Click to open the Windows.old file from the Programs list.

Note: You may be required to supply an Administrators password to access this folder.

Restore XPs My Documents Folder to Vista:

This is the most commonly restored folder from the old installation due to it typically having most of the personal files stored. It is advisable when restoring this folder to place it in Windows Vista's "Documents" folder. However, you can relocate this folder where-ever you would like. Here's how to restore the old My Documents folder:
1)Locate your Windows.old folder.
2)Open Windows.old and locate:
Documents and Settings\UserName

3)Right click the My Documents folder and select "Cut".
4)Go to Start>> Documents.
5)Right click the Documents folderand select "Paste".

Your XP My Documents folder will now reside in the Documents folder of Windows Vista.

Restore other personal files located in your Windows.old folder in the same mannor as outlined above. Once you are finished restoring all of the files that you need, you can safely delete the Windows.old folder.

Install Vista's Games

Some of the Vista versions do not come with the games pre-installed. If you would like to install them, here's how:
1)Go to Start
2)Select Control Panel
3)Select Programs and Features
4)Select "Turn Windows features on or off"
5)Place a checkmark in the checkbox titled: "Games"
6)Click OK

Enable the Hidden Aurora Boot Screen

If you get a little tired of the default Vista boot screen, you can enable a hidden boot screen that many feel is a more appealing boot screen. Here's how:
1)Go to Start
2)In the Search field, type in: msconfig
3)Press Enter on your keyboard
4)Select the Boot tab
5)Place a checkmark in the checkbox titled: "No GUI boot"
6)Click OK and reboot your system

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