
January 17, 2009

Hide your Files With Notepad

Another Old but great Notepad trick, not exactly notepad one but the Windows one. I can't add a big intro of this method just try it out.

1. Open Command Prompt. Start --> Run --> CMD

2. Get to the directory Where you want to save the hidden file.
CD --> to Change Directory
MD --> to make Directory

once done. proceed further

3. Type down following command.

yes we are creating two files.

4. error pops up Cannot find filename.txt:hidefilename.txt, Do you want to create ??
obviously yes

5. Type your message to hide and save and close.

You have done the hiding task. Lets check did it worked or not. Visit the folder with your windows explorer. Oh man theres only one file named filename.txt where the hell is hidefilename.txt is ??? its hidden. Lets open Filename.txt (to check your message ), This file is blank !! Party but where is the hidden text ?? its in Hidefilename.txt You can type any text in open notepad file. it will be saved in filename.txt. and using command prompt, notepad filename.txt:hidefilename.txt will give you hidden file.

Well thats simple and sweet from Windows.

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